NPC Events

Attribute Description Example
sNPCID NPC id, there are usually 5 columns in the param, but by default come 3 with ids. 1120
byteSourceType Here goes the kind of thing you want redeem for example with what you pay, item is number 1, in the gmtool says the other types, obviously “item” is the first, that's why 1 1
sSourceItemID Here is the id of the delivery item, in the param you can see the id of the items, although it is easier and more advisable to consult them in the gmtool. 7110
iSourceCount Here is the amount, for example 100 bags of vasabum. (item of delivery). 100
byteRewardPriority Here is the priority of item 100
byteRewardType Here as in those of delivery, go the types of what you wish that receive an award, as items “1”, gold, karma etc, it looks the same in the gmtool. 1
sReward1Rate Success rate to receive the reward (100 = 1%, 1000 = 10%, 10000 = 100%) 10000
sRewardItemID Item ID to receive the reward 6776
iRewardCount Amount of items to receive the reward 10
byteMinLevel Minimum level restriction to redeem the reward 20
byteMaxLevel Maximum level restriction to redeem the reward 100


source: content_development/gmtool/