Item Effect

File: TantraParam.xmlTab: ItemColumn: byteClass

2 NoDropNoEmail In case of non-dropping and non-tradable, add 2 and 4 and the 6 should be used.
4 NoTradeNoEmail In case of non-dropping and non-tradable, add 2 and 4 and the 6 should be used.
8 NoReparable _
16 NoNpcNoEmail _
32 NoSendNoEmail _
64 NoShopNoEmail _
512 NoDonable En Kruma y Mandara
1024 NoRefinable _
1032 WeaponUnique No reparable No refinable (armas) (1024 + 8 = 1032)
1060 Invisible _
1065 WizardEyes _
2000 Hold _
2005 Hold 2 _
2006 Hold N Slow Move _
2010 Stun _
2020 Sleep _
2040 Blind _
2048 NoStorageNoEmail _
2082 NoDropNoTradeNoShopNoStorageNoEmail 2 + 4 + 16 + 32 + 2048 = 2102
2102 ItemOnlySell It can be sold, it cannot be traded, but it can be stored in the trunk
2166 NoDropNoTradeNoShopNoAshramStorageNoEmail 2 + 4 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 2048 = 2166
2210 Concentration _
2220 Disruption _
2230 Invulnerable _
2240 Immunity _
2241 Immunity 2 _
2500 MagicShield _
2505 BreakMagicShield _
2510 ManaShield _
2520 SpiritLink _
2525 BreakLinkofSpirit _
2530 EnhanceMagicShield _
2535 BreakEnhanceMagicShield _
2540 TP2Zero _
2550 CantRecoverTP _
2560 ProtectFromAttackOnlyOnce _
2678 ItemMoveBlocked No Ashram storage,No donatable,No personal storage ,No email,No store,No commerce,No dropeable (2048+512+64+32+16+4+2 = 2678)
2900 ExpandBag30 _
2910 GMPotion _
2915 ProtectFromMonster _
2920 ResetStat _
2930 ResetSkill _
2940 Log _
2941 LogInmu _
2945 Debug _
2950 BlessOfGod _
2960 ResetClass _
2970 RepairAll _
2971 ExpandBag7 _
2972 ExpandStore7 _
2973 AMoneyRoot7 _
2974 MAtman7 _
2975 MAnubaba7 _
2976 M15Chakra7 _
2980 ResetQuest _
2981 ExpandStore30 _
2982 AMoneyRoot30 _
2983 MAtman30 _
2984 MAnubaba30 _
2985 M15Chakra30 _
2990 BonusExp _
2991 FuncBeaty _
2998 ExpandFunc _
2999 ExpandItem _
3000 StealHP _
3010 StealMP _
3020 BonusDamage _
3021 BonusDamage2 _
3022 BonusDamage3 _
3023 BonusDamage4 _
3024 BonusDamage5 _
3025 BonusDamage6 _
3026 BonusDamage7 _
3027 BonusDamage8 _
3028 BonusDamage9 _
3030 BonusEffect _
3040 MultipleStrike _
3050 CriticalStrike _
3060 PierceStrike _
3061 PierceStrike2 _
3065 HPDown _
3070 KnockBack _
3075 Pull _
3080 Heal _
3085 RecoverTP _
3090 Cure _
3100 TPBurn _
3110 Resurrect _
3120 ReflectDamage _
3126 UniqueSet No reparable / No refinable (Sets)
3130 AbsorbDamage _
3134 _ NoDropNoTradeNoShopNoAshramStorageNoEmailNoRefinableNoReparable
3135 AbsorbElementalDamage _
3136 FireResist _
3137 ColdResist _
3138 LightResist _
3139 PoisonResist _
3140 Terror _
3150 Taunt _
3151 DeTaunt _
3160 RangeUp _
3165 RangeDown _
3170 TownPortal _
3180 TownPortal2 _
3181 TownPortal3 _
3190 SaveTPCost _
3200 SlayerItem _
3210 PreventRegenHP _
3220 PreventRegenTP _
3230 SkillUp _
3240 Dash _
3250 Teleport _
3260 CantUsePotion _
3270 100PCriticalHit _
3280 Recall _
3290 Weakness _
3300 SuccessRate _
3310 SummonParty _
3320 MoveToTheMandraTown _
3330 ReduceKarma _
3340 SummonFriend _
3350 Suicide _
3360 Transformacion _
4000 WeaponMastery _
4010 ElementalDamagePlus _
4011 ElementalDamageMinus _
4096 PCDecoration Head or Face Equipement
4098 ItemDropBlockedAllowTrade Block item drop but allows trading
4100 DamagePlus _
4101 DamageMinus _
4102 DamagePlus2 _
4103 DamageMinus2 _
4110 FireDamagePlus _
4111 FireDamageMinus _
4120 ColdDamagePlus _
4121 ColdDamageMinus _
4130 LightningDamagePlus _
4131 LightningDamageMinus _
4132 Damage Increased in _
4140 PoisonDamagePlus _
4141 PoisonDamageMinus _
4150 FireResistPlus _
4151 FireResistMinus _
4160 ColdResistPlus _
4161 ColdResistMinus _
4170 LightningResistPlus _
4171 LightningResistMinus _
4180 PoisonResistPlus _
4181 PoisonResistMinus _
4200 MusclePlus _
4201 MuscleMinus _
4202 MusclePlus2 _
4210 NervesPlus _
4211 NervesMinus _
4212 NervesPlus2 _
4220 HeartPlus _
4221 HeartMinus _
4222 HeartPlus2 _
4230 MindPlus _
4231 MindMinus _
4232 MindPlus2 _
4240 AllResistPlus _
4241 AllResistMinus _
4250 AllStatePlus _
4251 AllStateMinus _
4252 AllStatePlus2 _
4253 AllStateMinus2 _
4260 AllDamagePlus _
4261 AllDamageMinus _
4270 FixedDamagePlus _
4271 FixedDamageMinus _
4280 FixedDamagePlus2 _
4281 FixedDamageMinus2 _
4300 AttackRatePlus _
4301 AttackRateMinus _
4302 AttackRatePlus2 _
4303 AttackRateMinus2 _
4310 DodgeRatePlus _
4311 DodgeRateMinus _
4312 DodgeRatePlus2 _
4313 DodgeRateMinus2 _
4320 ACPlus Defense range increases in %d
4321 ACMinus _
4322 EffectDefenseEquipmentSet _
4330 DefensePlus _
4331 DefenseMinus _
4332 DefensePlus2 _
4333 DefenseMinus2 _
4340 DodgeSpeedUp _
4341 DodgeSpeedDown _
4400 MaxHPPlus _
4401 MaxHPMinus _
4402 MaxHPPPlus _
4403 MaxHPPMinus _
4404 MaxHPPlusByMind _
4405 LockMaxHP _
4406 MaxHPPlus2 _
4407 MaxTPPlus2 _
4410 HPRecoveryPlus _
4411 HPRecoveryMinus _
4420 MaxTPPlus _
4421 MaxTPMinus _
4424 MaxTPPlusByMind _
4425 LockMaxTP _
4430 TPRecoveryPlus _
4431 TPRecoveryMinus _
4440 MoveSpeedPlus _
4441 MoveSpeedMinus _
4442 MoveSpeedMinus2 _
4450 AttackSpeedPlus _
4451 AttackSpeedMinus _
4460 CastSpeedPlus _
4461 CastSpeedMinus _
4470 EnhanceWeapon _
4480 LostTrace _
4490 EnhanceArmor _
4500 VictoryHPBonus _
4505 VictoryTPBonus _
4510 IncreaseCriticalDamage _
4520 HealPlus _
4530 RecoverTPPlus _
4540 EnhanceHardnessOfArmor _
4550 DamageBonusForNextAttack _
4560 PerfectDodge _
4570 PetGrowth _
4580 ChangeTrimuritiSiva _
4590 ChangeTrimuritiBrahma _
4600 ChangeTrimuritiVishnu _
4610 RefiningJade _
4611 RefiningDecrease _
4620 RefiningDiscount _
4630 RefiningRateUp _
4640 RefiningProtect _
4650 PranaRatebyLevel _
4660 DeathPranaRatebyLevel _
4670 MoneyRatebyLevel _
4680 Attendence _
4690 LevelUpFromLevel1 _
4691 LevelUpFromLevel3 _
4692 LevelUpFromLevel5 _
4700 GiveItem _
4710 ChangeTribeFromLevel _
4720 Coupon _
4730 GiveItemMaharaja _
4740 QuestStatus _
4800 ResistStun _
4810 ResistSleep _
4820 ResistBlind _
4821 Increase Blind Resistance by % _
4830 ResistHoldNSlow _
4930 CallPetSkill _
5010 ScrollQuest _
6262 ItemQuest _
10000 Birth _
10010 Death _
10020 FireFX _
10030 UnPack _
10040 IWantIt _
10041 MicroSound _


source: content_development/items_management/